who knew that so many patterns occur naturally within 10 feet of each other? the variety of the textures and patterns of the spot in each of these pictures amazes me.

haha... this reminds me of a satellite picture of Antarctica for some reason. i can kind of imagine those white circles as ice floats and icebergs... but it's actually just ice on a pond behind my house. ;) i can dream can't i?

my favorite. the bubbles are naturally spaced out by each ripple.

i love how this ice is completely motionless... yet there is so much movement captured in it. the frozen bubbles remind me of river rapids or something... and the fluid, downward waves remind me of a waterfall.
but none of these are "naturally occurring patterns," of course... i love that God designed each one of these little places for me to photograph just because he loves me and knows that i would get so much delight out of these pictures. he is a God of order, and beauty, and power, and it comes out in these designs.
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