Saturday, February 26, 2011


[we should have known that we'd grow up sooner or later]

the rusty red rider wagon in the woods fit well with bittersweet birthday ponderings. childhood is officially over tomorrow... 

Friday, February 18, 2011


the weather has been absolutely gorgeous this week... high 60s and 70s... February in VA makes me happy. so today i went looking for something green and growing cause i was convinced that spring must have come early this year. :)


they's beautiful.
i loved the way their eyes were catching the light. :) 


::fix you::

Monday, February 14, 2011

february fourteenth

i was scared 
tired and under-prepared
but i wait 
for you.
if you go 
leaving me here on my own
well I wait 
for you.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

more 1 a.m. photography

yeah so it was the morning before a tournament... but too flawless outside to resist taking pictures. ;)


i thought this picture appropriately described the atmosphere of a very. fun. evening. :)